Kansas Industrial Association of New Construction
The DIY Guide to Maintaining Your Central Air Conditioning in North Carolina
The DIY Guide to Maintaining Your Central Air Conditioning in North Carolina

The DIY Guide to Maintaining Your Central Air Conditioning in North Carolina

North Carolina is known for its hot, humid summers that are subjected to high temperatures. A functioning air conditioning system is the order of the day to make home-life comfortable. While investing in a professional Air Conditioning (AC) service like Allied Aire Inc is a great idea, there are some DIY tips you can implement to ensure your AC is functional and efficient. This guide provides tips applicable to residents of Cornelius, Denver, Charlotte, Huntersville, and Mooresville, NC, who are seeking advice on HVAC repair and AC service.

1. Regular Filter Change: The first rule of thumb when it comes to AC maintenance is to regularly replace or at least clean your system’s filters. A clogged-up filter makes your AC work harder than usual, causing energy inefficiency and potentially leading up to a complete system breakdown. Generally, you should aim to clean your reusable filters once a month during hot season.

2. Check Your Thermostat: As part of your ongoing HVAC repair routine, ensure your thermostat is working correctly. It should be able to maintain the desired temperatures and respond effectively to changes in settings. If you’re still using an old mechanical thermostat, consider upgrading to a programmable model for more efficient energy consumption.

3. Ensure Clear Outdoor Space: Your outdoor unit needs a minimum of two feet of clear space around it. Keep shrubs, grass, and other plants trimmed to allow for sufficient airflow.

4. Professional Check-ups: Although this is not a specifically DIY tip, it’s still vital. Even with consistent maintenance, professional AC service is crucial to ensure your system works efficiently. Experts like those from Allied Aire Inc can help with more complicated tasks like checking refrigerant levels, inspecting for leaks, and examining the overall system’s operation.

For the complicated tasks, like air conditioner installation and advanced AC repair, you’re better off leaving to the professionals. If you’re in Cornelius, Denver, Huntersville, Mooresville, or Charlotte, NC, Allied Aire Inc offers a range of services to help ensure your central air conditioning system is running efficiently.

Home life during hot, humid North Carolina summers can be characterized by comfort, courtesy of an efficient AC system. While forwarding AC system issues to a professional AC service is highly recommended, implementing the above DIY tips goes a long way in helping maintain an efficient air conditioning system. Remember, your AC system is as functional as the care and maintenance you provide.